Clomid Dosage

Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) is a popular Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM), that while designed for ovarian stimulation is more commonly found in performance enhancing circles. In most all cases, this SERM is used for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) purposes, by-which use is intended to stimulate natural testosterone production that has been suppressed through the use of Muscle Building Supplements. While Clomid can be used for other purposes, PCT use is truly the only one that's beneficial to a performance enhancing athlete, but we assure you, it is beneficial indeed. In any case, in-order to achieve a successful PCT plan, you're going to need the right Clomid dosage, and this is where many people fail to reach success.

The Importance of a Proper Clomid Dosage

%%Panel.AdPGH%% The purpose of a PCT plan is to stimulate natural testosterone production; when we supplement with Muscle Building Supplements this production is suppressed, and it must be brought back online. With the right Clomid dosage, we can do just that; no, we cannot fully recover our natural production, but we can recover enough to function properly, and we'll be on the way to total recovery much faster than we would have been otherwise. Without such a plan in place, while your natural testosterone production will recover in time, it's going to be slow, you're going to lose a lot of the progress you made through Supplemental supplementation, and it's simply going to take a toll on your health. Failure to perform a PCT plan can lead to a low testosterone condition and all the symptoms associated, and there is nothing healthy or enjoyable about such a condition. Unfortunately, for many who run a Clomiphene based PCT, their Clomid dosage often falls short of where it needs to be; why, well that will be answered in our next section.

A Nolvadex & Clomid Dosage

Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) is another popular SERM often used for PCT purposes; for a long time, many people have understood how to plan Nolvadex doses, and because both Nolvadex and Clomid can virtually do the same thing, many assume comparable doses will suffice. In many performance based circles, the average starting Nolvadex dosage is 40mg per day for a few weeks, followed by a week or two at 20mg and perhaps another at 10mg if needed. This is easy to obtain as most Nolvadex comes in 10mg tabs, but then we have the average Clomid dosage. Clomid is normally found in 50mg tabs, and for whatever reason most will start a Clomid based PCT plan at 50mg a day, but guess what; that's like taking about 13mg of Nolvadex. When this occurs, someone will be very disappointed in the results Clomiphene provided and immediately assume Nolvadex is the superior SERM; all that actually happened was their Clomid dosage was much too low. If you plan your Clomid dosage properly, you can guarantee it will work just as well as Nolvadex each and every time; sure, everyone has their preference based on total individual response, but to make such a judgment you need the right dosing plans.

Total Clomid Dosage

For almost all performance enhancing athletes, the average starting Clomid dosage will be 150mg per day, and will hold at this level for 2 weeks; 3 weeks in some cases. From there it will decrease to 100mg for another two weeks, with the final Clomid dosage falling at 50mg per day for the final week of PCT. While these doses will get the job done, the discussion cannot end there; you must time out your total use. If your cycle ends with any large ester base Muscle Building Supplements, your initial Clomid dosage will need to begin approximately two weeks after your last injection; if it ended with all small ester base Supplements, it will begin three days after your last injection. Then we have to consider the introduction of hCG; a powerful peptide hormone often added to PCT plans for total enhanced recovery. If your cycle ends with any large ester base Supplements, you will begin hCG therapy ten days after your last injection, supplement with hCG for ten days and immediately follow it up with Clomid therapy. If your cycle ends with all small ester base Supplements, you will begin hCG therapy three days after your last injection, supplement with hCG for ten days and immediately follow it up with Clomid therapy.


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