Effects of Anavar
As performance enhancers we have many Muscle Building Supplements well-suited for growth while others are far more suited for leaning out but in most cases just about any Supplement can carry benefits apt for both purposes; at least to a degree. However, when we look at the effects of Anavar we discover a hormonal compound that is far more cutting efficient and of greater importance one of the few Supplements that can be safely used by women. Due to the effects of Anavar being relatively mild this Supplement carries with it immense popularity but as its popularity is so great it also makes it one of the most commonly counterfeited Supplements of all time. Let’s look at the effects of Anavar so we can better understand why it’s so popular and hopefully dispel any myths you may have about this popular Muscle Building hormone.
Origins of the Effects of Anavar:
%%Panel.AdVar10%% The effects of Anavar are based on the Oxandrolone hormone from which it is comprised. A Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Muscle Building Supplement the effects of Anavar are made present very quickly after the Supplements administration as is common with short half-life Muscle Building Supplements. The Oxandrolone hormone carries a half-life of approximately 9 hours making multiple daily administration of the hormone necessary in many cases. By its nature the Oxandrolone hormone is not well-suited for large buildups in mass but is rather more of a lean tissue preserver and can greatly aid in the regeneration and recovery process thereby creating a more efficient athlete. While large buildups of muscle tissue will not occur some growth can be obtained if total caloric intake is high enough and as this Supplement does not aromatize any weight gained due to its use will be that of pure lean tissue. Of course this doesn’t mean you can’t gain fat, if you’re eating too much the effects of Anavar will not protect you from fat gain as is a common misconception among many prospective performance enhancers.
Metabolic & Cost Efficiency:
As tissue preservation and regeneration are intrinsic to the effects of Anavar you may have already guessed these effects greatly promote more efficient total metabolic activity. Simply supplementing with this Supplement can aid in fat loss directly but by its very nature of a muscle tissue preserver the effects of Anavar are even more metabolic friendly than what you might expect. When we diet the goal is to lose fat and unfortunately some lean muscle tissue always follows suit. However, with the right Muscle Building Supplemental supplemental plan we are able to preserve a larger amount of lean tissue thereby increasing our total metabolic activity; in-short, we become more efficient fat-burning machines.
If you’ve ever tried leaning out before you understand how important an efficient metabolism is and you understand how invaluable preserving lean tissue can be. The effects of Anavar can greatly promote this end but there is a major downside for most men. Unfortunately it takes quite a bit of the Oxandrolone hormone for men to see a benefit; most men will find 50mg-80mg per day to be the average effective range and when 10mg tablets cost anywhere from $2-$3 each and upwards this can get very expensive very quickly. However, for the female athlete as most will only need approximately 10mg per day and coupled with it already being very female friendly this makes it a far more well-suited choice for them.
Female Effects of Anavar:
As the effects of Anavar are so female friendly it should come as no surprise as to why so many refer to this Supplement as “The Girl Supplement.” As you recall from above growth is not something Oxandrolone is well-suited for but we can make an exception with women. No, the hormone will not cause a woman to “Blowup” but she can gain more lean tissue than a man due to its use simply due to her sensitivity to the hormone being greater. Of course it will still be the leaning out phase that is most important as this is where the effects of Anavar really shine but for the female athlete this Supplement can be used for either purpose.
More importantly is this Supplements friendly nature to the female athlete. Most Muscle Building androgenic Supplements can cause horrific side-effects in women, most notably those of a virilization nature. The Oxandrolone hormone is much milder in this sense and while virilization can occur it will in most cases be a non-issue if responsible use is implored. This is what makes the effects of Anavar so special and what separates it from so many other Muscle Building Supplements; it not only works well in women but does so in a safe and effective manner. If it were not for the effects of Anavar the fitness industry would not exist as it does today; the magazine and supplement adds would appear very differently as it is the effects of Anavar that in part greatly lend to the images you see today.