History of Supplements
The history of Supplements, when exactly did that history begin; fifty years ago, one-hundred, how far back can you really go when talking about the history of Supplements? The history of Supplements is something the self-proclaimed internet Supplement gurus love to quibble about, especially regarding who, when and where Muscle Building Supplements were created. One of the most common stories told and we use the word “Story” for good reason, is that the history of Supplements begins in Germany with the purpose being for Nazi soldiers. The truth is no one knows if the Nazi soldiers were ever given Supplements or not, it’s merely a rumor but we do know that two German Chemists Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka are who first brought about legitimate synthetic testosterone.
%%Panel.AdSpeedStack%% Many others like to point to the fact that testicular extract was used for over one-hundred years prior to Butenandt first isolating the gonadal hormones in 1931. Even though this is technically correct, testicular extract was used for many years prior to 1931, as it pertains to manufacturing synthetic testosterone as we see it today, Butenandt and Ruzicka hold the distinct reward quite literally as those who ushered in the beginning of the history of Supplements; “literally” because both men were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work. Through the findings of these two men, isolation and synthesizing capabilities became a reality and through their work the very first injections of testosterone propionate were given in 1937.
When looking through the history of Supplements it’s impossible to do so without beginning with Butenandt and Ruzicka but it is also perhaps just as important to never forget doctor John Ziegler who first brought us methandrostenolone; what you know as Dianabol. Ziegler, a U.S. physician for the Olympic team developed the drug in a response to the Soviet Union’s dominating blow to the U.S. at the Olympic Games and further ushered in a new era in the history of Supplements as the development and evolution of Muscle Building Supplements truly began to take off. Soon after Ziegler’s work we would at first slowly, but soon rapidly see a host of Muscle Building Supplements being produced and the evolution has continued to progress making the history of Supplements quite fascinating.
Throughout the history of Supplements we have seen a beginning that started with simple testosterone to a bevy of various forms of testosterone being created. Through that same history of Supplements we have seen countless forms of orals and injectables born from Nandrolones to more modern Trenbolones and everything in between. We have seen Muscle Building Supplements rise from the dust of weight room floors used only by those looking to compete in bodybuilding or power lifting to being used by many in every sport imaginable. We have seen a host of other changes throughout the sports world; nutrition perhaps becoming the biggest factor as many have begun to understand it’s role in the level of performance but as big as nutritional advances are nothing has yet to top Muscle Building Supplements and that alone makes the history of Supplements far superior to anything else in the competitive world.