Order Supplements

Order Supplements

The ability to order Supplements and have them shipped directly to your front door may indeed be one of the simplest purchases you will ever make; it may also be one of the most dangerous. The ability to order Supplements so easily has largely been brought on by the explosion of the internet over recent years. With a few clicks of your mouse you can order Supplements of all types and forms and in many cases have them in your hands in a matter of days; of course as we mentioned this can also be very dangerous. In the United States Muscle Building androgenic Supplements are controlled substances listed as Schedule III drugs and purchasing without a prescription is a felony offence. Such an offence can bring about disastrous effects but with over six-million U.S. adults supplementing with Muscle Building Supplements for the purpose of performance the numbers show us many are willing to risk it. We cannot in good conscience recommend you order Supplements for your performance needs; we cannot endorse illegal activity but we can tell you how it works.

Dealers & Sources:

%%Panel.AdMassStack%% Supplement dealers who sell directly to customers in person still exist but by-in-large they are a dying breed. By far most who supplement order their Supplements online and the success rate of such a purchase is very high. Generally the process takes place one of two ways; the source has a private list that is shared via encrypted email or in some cases a direct website you may order Supplements from in the same fashion as buying music. In the case of the latter an encrypted email account will more than likely still be used to finalize the transaction.


Once an order is placed, in most cases the purchaser will be instructed to pay the amount owed through a wire transfer; this is the most common method. Some sources of a domestic nature will allow cash to be sent in the mail but normally only for select long standing customers. Some sources may even allow you to trade e-Gold but this is somewhat rare. Then of course we have some who allow you to order Supplements with a credit card directly online but we can tell you right from the get go these are sources you will generally need to avoid. The process is risky enough on its own without entering personal financial information online and giving it to a third party who may be, well who knows who he is.

Seizures & Controlled Deliveries:

Once you order Supplements and make your payment they will be shipped directly to your desired address and here resides the biggest problem of all. If it is an international order it must go through customs and if caught it will be seized. In most cases a seized package is no big deal; you’ll be informed of the seizure through a letter, told you have 30 days to respond if you believe you have a legal right to the package; if not it will be destroyed and the issue is dropped. Of course you’ll be out of the money you spent and while some sources will resend if a package is caught some will not.

If a package is flagged and this can happen with domestic packages far more often than many believe and for numerous reasons, there is always a risk of a controlled delivery. Those who order Supplements and have them delivered may have them delivered by an undercover law enforcement agent and the very second you accept the package is an admission of guilt in the eyes of the court. Many people believe you have to sign for a package for this to be used against you and we can assure you this is a lie. Merely accepting the package is enough to warrant an arrest. Many also believe law enforcement is not interested in personal users and therefore they will often order Supplements with reckless abandonment. It is true, law enforcement does not care about personal users nearly as much as dealers and sources but ask yourself this one question; how do you think they get to the sources? That’s right, the personal users who are caught are often what leads law enforcement to the bigger fish and unfortunately if you are caught you will fry in the process.

The Bottom Line:

You can order Supplements very easily but the risk is far more than most are aware of and even more than some are willing to admit. With so many people ordering the odds are in your favor but the odds against you are still good enough to have you sweating where you sit if you understand the trouble you can get into if you are caught. Even so, because so many desire them and because no matter what you believe they are the true difference maker in sports and physiques as we know them today, millions of Americans will continue to order Supplements each and every day.

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