Side Effects of Testosterone
The side-effects of testosterone, you bet, they're real, but what you may not know is that they are very easily controlled. Of course, one question might be how easily we can control the side-effects, and we can say with confidence if you're a healthy adult male it will be extremely easy; in-fact, in your case, the side-effects of testosterone should not occur. To reach this end, to be enabled with the ability to supplement problem free you must have an understanding of what causes the side-effects, what precautions you can take and what to do should the negative effects occur. Again, if you're a healthy adult male this will be easy to accomplish; the same cannot be said of adolescents or women. Adolescents should never touch testosterone or any Muscle Building Supplement, and while women can supplement with Muscle Building Supplements, testosterone is not a solid choice.
Cause & Effect:
%%Panel.AdTest600x%% When testosterone enters the body, by its nature it will convert into estrogen. As this estrogen conversion occurs due to testosterone's aromatizing nature, this can lead to many of adverse reactions associated with this powerful androgen. From male breast enlargement (Gynecomastia), water retention, to even issues surrounding blood pressure and cholesterol can be negatively affected. Of course, as we'll see these side-effects of testosterone are remarkably easy to control. While increased levels of estrogen are the primary reason the side-effects of testosterone occur, we will see later on there are effects that are due directly to the testosterone hormone itself.
Combating Aromatase:
There are two fundamental issues we must consider when combating aromatase, and when we do so we will largely avoid the side-effects of testosterone. First and foremost is the total dosing; the more testosterone you supplement with the more there will be to aromatize; keeping your dosing levels in a responsible range will greatly serve you. Of course, as we are all unique individuals some will be able to tolerate a higher dose, while others will find lower doses to be much more efficient. Beyond dosing, and this is what truly provides protection is the use of an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI). AI's will inhibit the aromatase process, as is evident in the AI name. As this process is inhibited the conversion into estrogen cannot occur, and what does not occur cannot become problematic. While this is the primary protection of an AI, AI's will further reduce the total amount of estrogen in the body; some AI's are so strong there will be very little estrogen left. At any rate, the best AI's to combat the side-effects of testosterone are without question Arimidex and Letrozole; you don't need both, but either will work.
Natural Testosterone Production:
When discussing the side-effects of testosterone, we must mention those of a direct testosterone nature. There are two side-effects of testosterone that fall into this category, and as such have an impact on your natural testosterone production. When you supplement with exogenous testosterone, your natural testosterone production will be suppressed; dramatically. When exogenous testosterone is used, the body has no need to produce its own testosterone, and as such production comes to a halt. While this will occur, it's not a big concern; after all, you'll still have all the testosterone you need through supplementation, and once use is discontinued (all Muscle Building Supplement use) your natural production will begin again.
While suppressed natural production is a side-effect of testosterone use, this suppressed production produces another effect; testicular atrophy. As testosterone is manufactured in the testicles, once production has been suppressed the testicles will shrink. There's no longer any testosterone being produced; there's no reason for the testicles to remain full. Keep in mind, when we speak of testicular atrophy we are referring to a loss of fullness; your testicles will not disappear. At any rate, once use has been discontinued (all Muscle Building Supplement use) as your natural production begins again your testicles will return to their normal size.
Responsible Use:
While Aromatase Inhibitors will protect you from the side-effects of testosterone, and as we can see, the direct testosterone related are of little concern, the ultimate protection will be responsible use. In short, responsible use is defined by any use that does not cause you harm; if you are supplementing without harm you are supplementing responsibly. The minute you leave this protection, you are no longer supplementing responsibly, and the side-effects of testosterone will abound. Of course, there is more to say of responsible use, and this is where we again mention the healthy adult male. Healthy adult men are the only ones who should supplement with testosterone. If you have high blood pressure or cholesterol, you do not meet this criteria, but if you're healthy, a healthy adult male, you can supplement side-effect free.