Testosterone in Men

Testosterone is an essential hormone for both men and women; so essential it is one of the most important hormones we produce. As this is the case, while very important for women, testosterone in men is far more important in-terms of the total amount. Men naturally produce almost ten times the amount of testosterone than women when things are going their way; of course, as we'll see it doesn't always go their way. Nevertheless, it is largely testosterone in men that defines them as men, as this primary androgen is responsible for the masculine traits men possess. This is a hormone responsible for many traits, from early sexual development, to sexual function and even our physical and mental health. As we'll see, when low levels of testosterone in men occur, each area the hormone is responsible for suffers, and when levels are high we simply thrive!

Low Testosterone in Men:

%%Panel.AdTest600x%% Low testosterone in men is a serious condition affecting millions upon millions of men. It is not serious in a direct life-threatening way, but it will severely diminish your quality of life. Further, if left ignored, it can be a gateway to many far more serious conditions; some of which are life-threatening indeed. At any rate, as levels begin to fall, we can see a host of negative reactions that include but are not limited to:

  • Erectile Dysfunction: The number one reason so many men PDE5 Inhibitors such as Cialis, Viagra and Levitra is due to low testosterone levels.
  • Loss of Libido: This can refer to a suppressed state or even total loss, and while low testosterone in men is the most common reason for this problem, low levels in women can have the same effect.
  • Loss of Muscle Mass: Testosterone is the primary androgen, the primary Muscle Building hormone our body produces. As levels drop, we are unable to support the mass or lean tissue we once carried. Further, this can have a negative impact on IGF-1 levels; a powerful peptide hormone that is highly Muscle Building.
  • Loss of Strength: Largely this is an effect brought on by the same reasons affecting mass.
  • Mental Effects: Low testosterone in men can have a negative impact as this hormone affects our ability to focus, our memory and even clarity of thought. The relationship between testosterone and the brain is so strong those who suffer from Alzheimer's are often sufferers of low levels.
  • Mood: Low testosterone in men can have a negative impact on our general disposition, and dramatically so. Men who display low levels are normally more easily irritated than men who have a suitable level.
  • Lethargy: Low testosterone can make a man very lethargic, as low levels of the hormone can cause energy levels to go down. As lethargy is an extremely common symptom, it's no surprise so many men do very little to treat the condition.
  • Increased Stress: Men who suffer from low levels often have a harder time dealing with stress. Further, as stress causes the release of more glucocorticoid hormones, muscle wasting and fat promoting hormones, their physique only suffers even more. It truly is a vicious circle.

As you can see, testosterone is a vastly important hormone playing crucial roles throughout the body; in-fact, testosterone in men is so important we can aptly say men who have low levels are wasting a lot of potential in their life. Fortunately, if you suffer from low levels, there is hope, as a remedy is available. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is very easy to obtain; in-fact, TRT is quickly becoming a game changer in recent years in the lives of many adult men.

High Testosterone in Men:

Everything that can be said of low levels of testosterone can be said of high levels in the opposite direction; in-fact, to understand high testosterone in men, we only need to understand low levels and the exact opposite effect. High testosterone in men, in a nutshell, provides and produces a higher quality of life. Men who have high levels of this primary androgen are in better physical shape; they're in better overall physical health, they do not suffer from sexually related dysfunctions; they are in better moods and possess clarity of thought that is through the roof. Further, many studies have indicated high testosterone in men produces a man who lives a higher standard of life; better jobs, more money, and simply more of everything. This is really no surprise, as men with high levels are far less lethargic; they're the "go getters" in life and the ones who end up on top.

Of course, while some men have naturally occurring high levels, and we all have fairly high levels in our younger years, as we age our levels will decline. It is an inevitable part of life, and in many cases, our levels fall far below an optimal range. In any case, the only true way to obtain high levels of testosterone is with some form of direct testosterone therapy; this means we need the primary Muscle Building Supplement testosterone in exogenous form. Exogenous testosterone can come in many forms, but as long as it's testosterone it will get the job done. Therapy programs that include products like Testerone are also highly effective, as Testerone will rapidly increase the production of natural testosterone in mere weeks. Regardless, if a man wishes to have higher testosterone levels, supplementation

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